You made it through detox week ! Awesome job! Your body is now primed to be the ultimate fat burning machine during Ignite !
Here is how to put yourself in position to win as we enter INGITE PHASE this week.
Have an amazing IGNITE week !
Here is how to put yourself in position to win as we enter INGITE PHASE this week.
- Download your IGNITE manual. CLICK HERE
- Tune into the weekly coaching call with Mark McDonald and Cassiah Jay at 9 pm EST.
- Use this link: http://hangouts.zenproject8.com/week2/
- Or this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKHrluNzqn8
- Participate and plug in to the Zen Project 8 and Team ELITE Zen Fitness FB community for support, recipes and tips.
- Review guide and note foods added for IGNITE phase.
- Remember…..if it is not on the list….you can't have it!
- Get your shopping done early and prepare you food in advance. Preparation will be KEY to succeeding through the phases.
- Remember to drink a lot of water.
- 2-3 Liters for women
- 3-4 Liters for men
- Print out your IGNITE workout calendar (CLICK HERE). Document your start weight and measurements for the beginning of IGNITE phase.
Have an amazing IGNITE week !