Hey Everyone .....congrats on your journey so far, and welcome to those of you who may now be starting your Zen Project 8 journey with us.
If you are now getting started be sure to download the guides here from the site and familiarize yourself with the phase you are doing.
Be sure to plug in to Zen Project 8 and Team ELITE Zen Fitness FB page, where there are always updates, recipe shares, motivation and guidance on your life long journey to a healthier, stronger version of you !
No matter the Phase you are on ....remember this process is NOT a sprint .....but it is a MARATHON !
Also, I’de like to remind everyone to tune in every Monday night at 9 PM EST to the Zen project 8 coaching call with Mark McDonald and Cassiah Jay ! These google hangouts are extremely high value, and teach you information that will set you up to win for a life time, as it relates to your wellness journey.
This week, I want to summarize the answers to common concerns many people on the zen project express. This will help you have the quick fun facts from coaching at your finger tips, when you are in doubt !
So here I go !
Q: How can I get my spouse, kids, friends etc to be motivated and a part of my Zen Project journey ?
A: You be the beacon of light ! Keep setting the example by cooking healthy enjoyable food, exercising and getting results, and when they see not only your physical transformation, but your enhanced mood and energy ......trust me.....they will WANT to jump on board with what you are doing . Always remember.....be the inspiration !
Q: If I skip a meal, should I eat double the food at the next eating time ?
A: Absolutely not ! If for whatever reason you end up skipping a meal, simply eat an appropriate PFC portion as soon as you are able to eat, and then eat 3 hrs after as usual. This problem should be reduced if you follow the guidelines from week 3 coaching on how to be prepared with your mobile ready food kit for your ‘on the go‘ days.
Q:What if I am having craving ?
A: Craving could mean different things. It could mean you are underfeeding your body, or your blood sugar could be lower than it should be. To avoid this ....FEED THE MACHINE ! Remember this is not a starvation low calorie diet. This is about healthy balanced portions to keep your body fueled all day !
Q: Does proper sleep impact my results ?
A: It sure does. Getting a restful night is super important. Poor sleep decreases the body’s fat burning potential . So HONOR YOUR SLEEP!
Q: Is water important ?
A: Yes ! Water is very important. Remember you are made up of 60 - 70 % water. The more water you drink the LESS you retain ! Yes...it is the opposite to what you thought. Drink lots of water every day no matter the phase you are in. 2 - 3 L for women and 3 - 4 L for men. Proper hydration maximizes results !
So there you have it....this week’s main Questions and the answers to help !
Now, as it relates to your exercise, remember to customize this program for yourself. This program is all for you. If you have no previous exercise routine, start easy eg: 15 to 20 mins walk 3 times per week and graduate yourself as your body allow. Remember to keep challenging your body ! This will help to prevent hitting annoying plateaus !
If you are already a fitness fan......then GO HARD OR GO HOME !
You should be prepared to do at least 2 days of strength training, 2 days of High Intensity Interval Training and 2 days of combination ! Remember to ALWAYS do fat burning cardio eg: biking , treadmill AFTER your strength training or High Intensity Interval training, as this will maximize your fat burning !
Always increase your activity strategically.
For help on how to program your workout....download the IGNITE workout calendar in the attached files in “ BODY” category of the site.
Remember ......Keep eating your PFCs (proteins, carbs and fat ) in 3s. ie : every 3 hrs.
It is all about Eating clean ....but training dirty !
Most importantly ......HAV FUN , AND ENJOY THE PROCESS.
Have a rocking week !
If you are now getting started be sure to download the guides here from the site and familiarize yourself with the phase you are doing.
Be sure to plug in to Zen Project 8 and Team ELITE Zen Fitness FB page, where there are always updates, recipe shares, motivation and guidance on your life long journey to a healthier, stronger version of you !
No matter the Phase you are on ....remember this process is NOT a sprint .....but it is a MARATHON !
Also, I’de like to remind everyone to tune in every Monday night at 9 PM EST to the Zen project 8 coaching call with Mark McDonald and Cassiah Jay ! These google hangouts are extremely high value, and teach you information that will set you up to win for a life time, as it relates to your wellness journey.
This week, I want to summarize the answers to common concerns many people on the zen project express. This will help you have the quick fun facts from coaching at your finger tips, when you are in doubt !
So here I go !
Q: How can I get my spouse, kids, friends etc to be motivated and a part of my Zen Project journey ?
A: You be the beacon of light ! Keep setting the example by cooking healthy enjoyable food, exercising and getting results, and when they see not only your physical transformation, but your enhanced mood and energy ......trust me.....they will WANT to jump on board with what you are doing . Always remember.....be the inspiration !
Q: If I skip a meal, should I eat double the food at the next eating time ?
A: Absolutely not ! If for whatever reason you end up skipping a meal, simply eat an appropriate PFC portion as soon as you are able to eat, and then eat 3 hrs after as usual. This problem should be reduced if you follow the guidelines from week 3 coaching on how to be prepared with your mobile ready food kit for your ‘on the go‘ days.
Q:What if I am having craving ?
A: Craving could mean different things. It could mean you are underfeeding your body, or your blood sugar could be lower than it should be. To avoid this ....FEED THE MACHINE ! Remember this is not a starvation low calorie diet. This is about healthy balanced portions to keep your body fueled all day !
Q: Does proper sleep impact my results ?
A: It sure does. Getting a restful night is super important. Poor sleep decreases the body’s fat burning potential . So HONOR YOUR SLEEP!
Q: Is water important ?
A: Yes ! Water is very important. Remember you are made up of 60 - 70 % water. The more water you drink the LESS you retain ! Yes...it is the opposite to what you thought. Drink lots of water every day no matter the phase you are in. 2 - 3 L for women and 3 - 4 L for men. Proper hydration maximizes results !
So there you have it....this week’s main Questions and the answers to help !
Now, as it relates to your exercise, remember to customize this program for yourself. This program is all for you. If you have no previous exercise routine, start easy eg: 15 to 20 mins walk 3 times per week and graduate yourself as your body allow. Remember to keep challenging your body ! This will help to prevent hitting annoying plateaus !
If you are already a fitness fan......then GO HARD OR GO HOME !
You should be prepared to do at least 2 days of strength training, 2 days of High Intensity Interval Training and 2 days of combination ! Remember to ALWAYS do fat burning cardio eg: biking , treadmill AFTER your strength training or High Intensity Interval training, as this will maximize your fat burning !
Always increase your activity strategically.
For help on how to program your workout....download the IGNITE workout calendar in the attached files in “ BODY” category of the site.
Remember ......Keep eating your PFCs (proteins, carbs and fat ) in 3s. ie : every 3 hrs.
It is all about Eating clean ....but training dirty !
Most importantly ......HAV FUN , AND ENJOY THE PROCESS.
Have a rocking week !
POST AUTHOR ... Jamie Lee St. John, Pearl Executive | As always, we'd love to hear from you .... so post your comments and questions below or on our Facebook page. |