However, it won't happen if you don't FOCUS on CREATING cycles in your business. That's right ... you can't just hope cycles are going to happen. You have to be INTENTIONAL about creating them.

A cycle happens every time you have 300 points generated or accumulated on one side of your business and 600 points on the other.
- It doesn't matter which side has the 300 or the 600
- Cycles are calculated every day all day as they happen
- The 300 side and the 600 side can switch ... which makes it very cool
- Every time you cycle you get paid $35:
- Cycle 100 times/month (Sapphire ELITE) = $3500/month ... enough to pay most rents/mortgages
- Cycle 200 times/month (Ruby) = $7000/month ... enough to pay most people's monthly bills
- Cycle 500 times/month (Emerald) = $17,500/month ... enough to retire most people from their jobs

All of the volume that you generate in your business ... except your own personal volume ... contributes to your cycles. This includes:
- New Signups
- Autoships
- Product purchases by Customers and/or Distributors
What can you do to influence and grow your cycles/month?
- Teach your team members to have a SOLID AUTOSHIP PHILOSOPHY ... this is easy if you create value for the products and they use the products every month -- becoming "products of the products"
- Teach new enrollees the value of the higher packages. Let's face it, the Ambassador Pack is a much greater value than the others. Why?
- You have more products that you can personally try. It's a proven fact, you will only be able to effectively promote products that you have personally tried.
- You have more products that you can retail. One way to make your money back is to retail the products that come in your starter pack.
- You have more products that you can sample and share. Sampling is the All-Time Best Way to get new customers and new business partners. If they Try It, they'll Buy It!
- And people tend to do what YOU do. Plus, you'll promote the way that YOU came in the most. People will ask you what you did.
- My personal philosophy is that "it doesn't matter what level a person comes in at ... as long as it is THE BEST LEVEL THAT THEY CAN COME IN AT." That means that if the Basic Pack is the best level a person can do, then that is where they should come in. But if the Ambassador Pack is the best level that a person can start at, then there is no other level that makes sense for them ... because if they come in at a lower level, that sends a negative signal to all of the people that come in after them. Get it?
- Ultimately, it's a whole lot easier to grow your business 400 or 500 points at a time vs. 100 points at a time. So it also makes business sense for you to understand and promote the value of the higher packs. NOTE: We're not telling you to make or manipulate people into doing a higher pack than they can for your own benefit. What really makes your business work is when you build with integrity and care for the interests of the people that are joining your team.
And set a goal .... How many cycles will your business do this month?